
Fiends in Waistcoats Copyright 2012-2014 Robert Audin all rights reserved
The Zombie Incident of 1888 Copyright 2013-2014 Robert Audin all rights reserved
The Great Occult War Copyright 2014 Robert Audin all rights reserved

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lumber Piles

 I made some lumber piles from kitchen matches. I used a medium wood stain to color them. They come in handy for any board set up. The perfect thing for Gentlemen to take cover bind during a Gentlemanly gunfight. I hope you like them.

I made a fire wood pile out of twigs too. I cut the lengths in half to better simulate fire wood. I used a piece of scrap sprue to represent and iron fire wood holder.

Comments welcome and critiques are always welcome.


  1. The match's look good. Will have to have a go at this.

    I got some 1cm thick bits of hedge branch. Cut them up and made log piles from them.

  2. That sounds nice. I have some small branches I'll cut up to make log piles.
