So if you are looking for any pf these characters they can be had from Brigade Games a $6.85 a piece. Also the carriages and steam machines are for sale too! Check out their store.
Fiends in Waistcoats Copyright 2012-2014 Robert Audin all rights reserved
The Zombie Incident of 1888 Copyright 2013-2014 Robert Audin all rights reserved
The Great Occult War Copyright 2014 Robert Audin all rights reserved
The Zombie Incident of 1888 Copyright 2013-2014 Robert Audin all rights reserved
The Great Occult War Copyright 2014 Robert Audin all rights reserved
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
The History of the Order of the Sacred Blood
"In ancient times the world was ruled by the old gods of ice & fire but then a new god arose in the middle east. The followers of this new god destroyed the shrines of the old gods in an orgy of blood & fire. The old gods tried to save their worshipers by bestowing the gift of their sacred blood upon their greatest champions. The sacred blood granted them godlike strength, vitality and immortality, but this new god flush with power cursed them so that they weakened in the face of the sun"
The Chronicle of the Order of the Sacred Blood-
The Pagan Kingdom of Lithuania
"The Pagan Kingdom of Lithuania remained the last bastion of the old gods in Europe having withstood the forces of the Baltic Crusades and the Order of the Teutonic Knights, but this small nation could no longer withstand the Christian might of Europe. So in an effort to stop the genocide being perpetrated against his people Grand Duke Jogaila married the 11-year-old Queen Jadwiga of Poland and the nation was officially converted to Christianity in 1386. The champions of the old gods, the vessels of the sacred blood, went to sleep deep in their castle crypts and the Order of the Scared was formed from the oldest aristocratic families to watch over them."
From The Secret History of Lithuania-
June 24th 1812
Napoleon crossed the Neman River today war has begun. The Tzar's Court is calling it the Great Patriotic War but them every war is patriotic.
June 26th 1812
I've received my orders today the regiment is to muster at Riga on the 30th.
June 27th 1812
He's awake! I was in the crypt attending to the champion and he awake he spoke to me... he said "Its raining blood".
From the diary of Jan Matejko-
"After nearly five centuries the champions have awakened they are gifting the most worthy members of the Order with the Sacred Blood turning them into a pale imitation of themselves. Outside of the Order humanity has largely forgotten them though they do live in peasant folklore as monsters called Nosferatu..."
From the New History of the Order if the Sacred Blood-
I've received the generous gift of no less than 3 Perry Bros. Napoleonic calvary arms with sabers from Mike McGraw thanks mate! I'll get to work on the Nosferatu consort conversion of Nadezhda Durova and here history as a vampire right away.
I'll be using this cool Requiem figure as the Graf or champion.
And these brothers will be the minions of the order.
The Chronicle of the Order of the Sacred Blood-
The Pagan Kingdom of Lithuania
"The Pagan Kingdom of Lithuania remained the last bastion of the old gods in Europe having withstood the forces of the Baltic Crusades and the Order of the Teutonic Knights, but this small nation could no longer withstand the Christian might of Europe. So in an effort to stop the genocide being perpetrated against his people Grand Duke Jogaila married the 11-year-old Queen Jadwiga of Poland and the nation was officially converted to Christianity in 1386. The champions of the old gods, the vessels of the sacred blood, went to sleep deep in their castle crypts and the Order of the Scared was formed from the oldest aristocratic families to watch over them."
From The Secret History of Lithuania-
June 24th 1812
Napoleon crossed the Neman River today war has begun. The Tzar's Court is calling it the Great Patriotic War but them every war is patriotic.
June 26th 1812
I've received my orders today the regiment is to muster at Riga on the 30th.
June 27th 1812
He's awake! I was in the crypt attending to the champion and he awake he spoke to me... he said "Its raining blood".
From the diary of Jan Matejko-
"After nearly five centuries the champions have awakened they are gifting the most worthy members of the Order with the Sacred Blood turning them into a pale imitation of themselves. Outside of the Order humanity has largely forgotten them though they do live in peasant folklore as monsters called Nosferatu..."
From the New History of the Order if the Sacred Blood-
I've received the generous gift of no less than 3 Perry Bros. Napoleonic calvary arms with sabers from Mike McGraw thanks mate! I'll get to work on the Nosferatu consort conversion of Nadezhda Durova and here history as a vampire right away.
I'll be using this cool Requiem figure as the Graf or champion.
And these brothers will be the minions of the order.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Mantic Werewolves or No Faction Left Behind
The Requiem KS introduced a huge number of new figures for EotD players to use in the game. One would think that with so many new figures every one of the 4 original factions would receive additions for players to build their factions with. Sadly one faction has been left behind the Lycons. There aren't any new wolf, wolfskin or werewolf models among the 200+ Requiem figures. But Lycon players don't sink into despair Mantic has release a new resin Werewolf kit in their Kings of War fantasy line.
This kit contains three multi-part werewolf figures. These figures are on 40mm bases and bulkier than the West Wind werewolves.
Look at all the poses you can make with this kit, it looks like hours of fun to me.
Here is the link to the link to the Mantic store.
This kit contains three multi-part werewolf figures. These figures are on 40mm bases and bulkier than the West Wind werewolves.
Look at all the poses you can make with this kit, it looks like hours of fun to me.
Here is the link to the link to the Mantic store.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
New Pages
I've update the blog with additional blog pages you can find them just under the title picture. HOME is the main blog page, ZOMBIE INCIDENT OF 1888 this page is a gallery of figures for the zombie apocalypse EotD hybrid I'm working on, and finally GOALS & TALLIES a self explanatory page outlining the goals of this blog and my unpainted backlog.
The Zombie Incident of 1888 began one foggy morning in May. Was it a demonic plague? An Infernum experiment gone awry? Or necromancy of the foulest kind? The origins of this incident are unknown, what is known is that the dead now stalk the living in London town.
These Lead Bones zombies will represent the fearless ecclesiastics who attempted to halt the zombie horde. These are the Lead Bones advert pics I'll post up my based and painted figure when they are done.
The Zombie Incident will need special survivor bands (not the normal factions) I have three more or less planed out so far. THE QUEEN'S DINNER PARTY Queen Vic with a man portable Gatling gun and the survivors of her diner party, the WOMAN'S AUXILIARY YACHTING CLUB which will be composed of Hinderland's beautiful sailor girls; these plucky women could not allow their husbands to be dragged from their clubs, whiskey tumblers in their hands, by a mob of corpses so they liberated the contents of a Royal Naval arms locker.
And finally the little know FRATERNAL ORDER OF ANGRY MEN or FOAM.
(Further story updates will follow in the coming months.)
(The finger is healing nicely expect and update on the progress of Top Hat and Mr. Spectacles this weekend.)
The Zombie Incident of 1888 began one foggy morning in May. Was it a demonic plague? An Infernum experiment gone awry? Or necromancy of the foulest kind? The origins of this incident are unknown, what is known is that the dead now stalk the living in London town.
These Lead Bones zombies will represent the fearless ecclesiastics who attempted to halt the zombie horde. These are the Lead Bones advert pics I'll post up my based and painted figure when they are done.
The Zombie Incident will need special survivor bands (not the normal factions) I have three more or less planed out so far. THE QUEEN'S DINNER PARTY Queen Vic with a man portable Gatling gun and the survivors of her diner party, the WOMAN'S AUXILIARY YACHTING CLUB which will be composed of Hinderland's beautiful sailor girls; these plucky women could not allow their husbands to be dragged from their clubs, whiskey tumblers in their hands, by a mob of corpses so they liberated the contents of a Royal Naval arms locker.
And finally the little know FRATERNAL ORDER OF ANGRY MEN or FOAM.
(Further story updates will follow in the coming months.)
(The finger is healing nicely expect and update on the progress of Top Hat and Mr. Spectacles this weekend.)
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Requiem Release Phase 1, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
West Wind is currently running a slide show of all of Phase One miniatures on their site which you can see here, but one of these miniatures Professor Cavor is not in it.
You can see him if you look closely in the picture below.
I understand this photo to contain all the miniatures to be release in phase one.
The Good
The phased release of the KS figures is a very good thing as it will give everyone else who wasn't a Requiem backer a chance to buy these figures. And the fact that these 200+ figures will be released on the market in a orderly fashion will prevent a panic and will certainly save many a Christmas fund if not a few lives in the bargain. You'll have the chance to pick up any one of these faction box sets for 25 pounds. Three of these sets are faction box sets with 8 figures and the Vampire Slayers is a Collector's set? of 7 figures.
Reinforcement Blisters like the following:
Brothers with Guns 4 figures 12 ponds
Gentlemen with Gatling Guns (2 figures) 6 pounds
A wide variety of special characters ranging in price from 4 to 10 pounds depending on size.
A wide range of vehicles in resin and white metal all at the price of 25 pounds per.
I have not shown all the special characters and vehicles coming out in phase 1 for a full list you should check out the West Wind slide show on their site.
The Bad
There are the things I don't like about this release:
West Wind is offering a 4 figure blister of Gentlemen with long guns, but the KS had only 3 figures of this type. The blister add suggests a mystery figure, who does that theses days?. In my view this is simply horrid.
Also the Orinithopter is going on sale in Phase 1 as a white metal vehicle kit yet there are no pictures of this kit in the metal. The box art is the same are that appeared in the KS. I don't think that's appropriate there should be pictures of the finished model.
The Ugly
When I talk about the ugly I'm mostly mentioning issues that the 623 backers of the Kickstarter may have with this release. There are 4 figures that I and I'm sure others thought where going o be KS only limiter edition figures now available to the general public in phase 1.
The Specimen
The Phantom
Great Uncle Thulu
The final issue I see KS backers having with these release are the changes to the Special Police Branch Faction Set. Here is the KS release set:
And here is the new public release set:
Notice the differences? The hound is gone, replaced by the chap on springs.
Now he was an additional figure that could be had on his own so Requiem backers who want him will need to buy the box set. I hope he well be offered as a single in another phase. It was noticed that the original KS set didn't have a handler for the hound so I expect a blister of hound and handler in the future. There is one other change in the new set, a new netgunner.
This is the netgunner all the Requiem KS backers got;
I prefer the pose of the first figure.
For everyone awaiting the 2nd half of the lazyman's guide to painting zombies, sorry I cut my figure on my right hand so no painting for a week or so.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Requiem KS Minatures for Sale! Hurray Get Them Today!

This is a breaking news announcement!
Figures in Comfort
"Figures In Comfort are pleased to announce that we will have the pleasure of a pre-release launch of the full range of West Wind Productions Empire of the Dead expansion range at Warfare, Reading on 16th/17th November 2013.
This will be the first time this expansion range will be on general sale after only being available via the Kickstarter project."
So if you haven't got them yet go to Reading and get some.
Now for the Americans
Brigade Games
"Brigade Games and West Wind Productions are pleased to announce that Brigade Games will debut the entire first wave release of Empire of the Dead: Requiem in the U.S.A. at the Fall In convention this Friday 11/15, Saturday 11/16, and Sunday 11/17, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
EOTD: Requiem was the result of their very successful Kickstarter campaign. Those of you who did not participate in the KS or who want to add additional miniatures can see them firsthand and purchase them at Fall In."
"The Brigade Games' staff will be on our way to Lancaster shortly. As usual, our booth will be in the front-center of the exhibition hall. We will have all of the ranges we carry, including the newest releases, as well as our own Brigade Games, Parroom and Rattrap Productions products. I don't think I forgot to list anything, but after a week of 18-hour days, things are getting fuzzy..."
Please note that Brigade Games has not put any Requiem KS figures on their website so I'm not 100% sure they will have them at Fall In they do however advertise that they have the 5 faction/zombie box sets and all the first run special characters. They claim that they have copies of the hardbound rules with the special limited edition Professor Erazmus figure. The 2012 special book deal.
Also Brigade Games will be selling new Paroom Secret Science figures they have not however put a pictures of these up on their site so If you go send me some pictures.
And my personal favorite box set...
There is something wrong with you if you don't want some of this.
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